Saving Results


It is possible to export JSON files with the same as described in batch-json-file augmented with your QC decisions and any snapshot names (see next section) that you may have taken. The general structure is:

    "date": <date JSON file created>,
    "sessions": [
            "sequence_files": [
                "path/to/sequence file 1",
                "path/to/sequence file 2",
            "variants": [
                  "chr": <chr of variant>,
                  "location": <base position of variant>,
                  "qc_decision": <decision made when reviewing>,
                  "snapshot": <PNG filename>


To accompany your QC decisions, a zip file of PNG snapshots can also be saved. These images are generated automatically if specified in Settings or when clicking the snapshot button Snoopy. The filesnames of the snapshots are formed by concatenating the sequence files and the variant location.


The HTML export is a convenient file which combines the JSON results and snapshots described in the sections above into a single standalone file. When opened in a web-browser (it is a static file so no web-server is needed) you can click through the sessions and variants to view recorded QC decisions and snapshots.